Evidence of Psychic Phenomenon
Telepathy has been tested for by the ganzfeld experiment, wherein the probability of accuracy occurring accidentally, causing a false positive, should have been 25%.
The first meta-analysis of ganzfeld was conducted at the annual convention of the Parapsychological Association in 1982, when Charles Honorton provided a paper summarizing the results of all known ganzfeld experiments to date. 34 published reports by 10 researchers. 42 experiments. Only 28 experiments reported actual hit rate. 23 of these 28 reported greater than chance hit rates. When the hit rate for all 28 studies were combined, odds against chance were calculated as ten billion to one.
Autoganzfeld experiments were then conducted attempting to put as strict a variety of controls on the ganzfeld procedure as possible (starting in 1983), and the final result was a probability telepathy had been successfully demonstrated of forty-five thousand to one.
As of 1997, the overall odds against chance promoted that telepathy is reliably demonstrated by ganzfeld, all published experiments taken into account, is beyond a million billion to one.
Telepathy source: the Conscious Universe: the Scientific Truth of Psychic Phenomena by Dean Radin, PH. D. Chapter 5.
Remote viewing experiments were done in the 1970s when various US government agencies initiated a program at Stanford Research Institute (SRI), a think tank affiliated w/ Stanford University.
In 1990, the program moved to Science Application International Corporation (SAIC), a defense contractor. The program finally settled down in 1994, after 24 years of support from the CIA, Defense Intelligence Agency, the Army, the Navy, and NASA.
In a typical experiment, the remote viewer was asked to sketch, describe, or both, a distant target not visible to the naked eye.
All but the earliest studies at SRI (and all SAIC experiments) evaluate results using “rank-order judging”: after a remote viewer had sketched, described, or both, the target hir was instructed to scry out, a judge blind to the true target looked at the viewer’s response along with photographs or videos of four decoy targets and one actual target. The judge was asked to assign a rank to each possible target, 1 for most likely, 5 for least likely to be the one described by the remote viewer. The results were then scored based upon how close the judge was to the target the remote viewer had been assigned.
Results of these experiments were published and subjected to open criticism, which tightened the controls on the experiments.
In 1988 Edwin May & colleagues analyzed all psi experiments conducted at SRI from 1973 until then. 154 experiments, more than 26,000 separate trials. Just over a thousand trials were laboratory remote-viewing tests. Statistical analysis of data indicated odds against chance that remote viewing was demonstrated to be more than a billion billion to one.
Source Remote viewing: the Conscious Universe: the Scientific Truth of Psychic Phenomenon by Dean Radin, PH. D. Chapter 6.
Drugs and Psychic Phenomenon hasn't yet been what I would consider thoroughly scientifically tested for. In 2008, the Journal of Parapsychology published this paper available as a .pdf on the subject. To summarize some of what I read in the paper, weed looks promising for encouraging psychic phenomenon like telepathy and astral travel, "outer body experiences" seem to occur with greater frequency on marijuana and more potent psychedelics and most often on ketamine (although the outer body experiences described are not scientific method tested to determine whether they are hallucinations or actual "travel" outside the body). For the most part, research doesn't indicate much of an increase in psychic phenomenon on drugs (although use by shamans and occultists who discipline themselves to develop psychic abilities on the psychedelics hasn't been very thoroughly tested, according to the paper - just random people's use).